Below Blackfriars Rail Bridge
This little swallow was underneath the bridge by Blackfriars. I have struggled to find any information on it, which suggest that it is street art.
Mosaiced raised bed in Surridge Court, Clapham Road
I haven't been able to find any information on this one either, but it went around a raised bed in a small shopping court. It looked to be of various flowers and fruits on a stripe pattern. The variety of size of tile gave the mosaic more depth.
Jean Charles de Menezes Memorial at Stockwell Station
This memorial is to Jean Charles de Menezes who was shot dead after the 2005 bombings by officers who were searching for suicide bombers. No individual was prosecuted after this shooting. The mosaic is said to be a reminder that police are not above the law. The mosaic was unveiled in 2011 on what would of been his 32nd birthday.
Guardian article:
Singer Mews Peace Mosaic
This mosaic was on the Singer Mews building, on Clapham Road. Again, I couldn't find any information on it. It looks like it could be of clapham road or a city scape.